Meet Our Partners
This project started as a collaboration between Avans Hogeschool |Communication and Multimedia Design and Anglia Ruskin University | Cambridge School of Art. For our funding by Click-NL, we found more partners both inside and outside the academic field. We are happy that all partners share as much enthusiasm for this project as we did, and they made New Canterbury Tales what it is today. We proudly present all our official partners in this consortium!

Avans BuiLT Environment
Nina Kramer
Focuses on improving the connection between professionals in the built environment and end users and thus making their own environment sustainable, livable and resilient. Part of the Center of Expertise Safe & Resilient Society.

Avans Situated Design
Michel van Dartel and Sarah Lughthart
Investigates our rapidly changing society from the premise that people are situated beings: they are the product of their relationships with their environment. Part of the Center of Applied Research for Art, Design and Technology (Caradt).

Avans Palliative Care
Michael Echteld
End-of-life care should focus on the quality of life until death. The lectorate carries out projects on end-of-life care needs and the ethical and more dilemmas for the care providers involved. Part of the Caring Society 3.0 Expertise Center.

Imane Chentouf
Works for project support at the Center of Expertise Safe & Resilient Society. Which works with a unique combination of education and research in the field of the built environment, safety, public administration, legal affairs, combined with social, economic, and technical expertise.

Stiching KOP
Meike Veldhuijsen, Linsey Kuijpers and Björn Roetman
"A 'kickstarter for art and design talent', focuses on support programs for its own art projects and as a co-producer, entering into partnerships
specifically in the field of talent development.”

Stedelijk Museum Breda
Marjolein van de Ven
“Is a central place in and of the city where history and present come together; through a varied collection, plenty of social and cultural
projects and all kinds of activities.”

ARU Cambridge School of Art
Tina Burton
Digital Media Production "meets a growing demand for people with the skills to develop creative digital content across social media
and many other digital platforms with a specialist understanding of user experience and design and emerging technologies like VR.”

Antoin Linssen
Zerow develops playful interactions that move people to make the best choices for a more sustainable world; “Be a Game Changer. Play for a world without waste.”
Participating Artists
These artists joined this project through KOP and worked on an event we created for the New Canterbury Tales project.

Jochem van den Wijngaard
Jochem operates within his practice at the intersection of various disciplines, including (post-)craftsmanship, natural sciences, philosophy, storytelling, behavioral studies, and mysticism.

Maarten Bel
Maarten alienates his audience from their routine by addressing weighty themes in a light-hearted manner, for which he is often inspired by everyday events.

Kate Studley
The meaning of material is an essential part of Studley's practice. Her work aims to use environmentally conscious materials which biodegrade, avoiding destruction to their surroundings.

Liselot Cobelens
Liselot is a designer who focuses on the relationship of man with landscape and various objects. With her designs she focuses on telling (difficult) stories through objects.