New Canterbury Tales

Immersive Storytelling as a Design Method for joint future creation


COIL 2023 | Sustainable Social Housing | March 27 – 31

The COIL is an annual collaboration between architecture students.

This year with students from:

  • Howest Hogeschool, Brugges Belgium
  • VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark
  • Humber University, Toronto, Canada
  • Avans University of Applied Sciences, Breda, The Netherlands

Nina Kramer and 5 Communication & Multimedia students have participated in the online session and will be visiting Aarhus from March 27th to 31st. Their focus will be the long-term perspective on Sustainable Social Housing. Nina will present The New Canterbury Tales, making the connection with the two main goals of the project: Compassionate Communities and Living with Nature.

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