New Canterbury Tales

Immersive Storytelling as a Design Method for joint future creation

Grand Hearings – Immersion through role-playing

Prototypes by Nina Kramer and Dries de Roover (first prototype, research CMD year 3) "I, the AI, can provide a summary of the interview with Bart Claes. He talks about his[…]

The Tree-Reader Project

Prototype by Max Ouwerkerk, 3rd-year student CMD| Breda, Avans Hogeschool I started this project with the idea that I wanted to 'make' by this I mean: not to brood and search[…]

Introducing the New Canterbury Tales Project

Videos made by Nina Kramer Introducing the New Canterbury Tales Project! Are you still in doubt about what this project really is? Well, these 2 videos will give an insight to[…]

The AI Archives

Prototype by Nina Kramer, Lecturer | Researcher CMD Breda |  Researchgroup Built Environment, Avans University of Applied Sciences With the help of AI Image Generators, Nina Kramer has been able to[…]

3D Posters

Prototype by Beatriz Brito, Digital Media Graduate | Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University My idea of a digital poster came to my head after reading the stories of the characters in the[…]

Explorations in 3D

Prototype by Clíona Faichney, Digital Media Graduate | Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University I decided that I wanted to see how we could view the world, and how the users interacting with[…]

New Explorer ARG

Prototype by Daniela Silva, Digital Media Graduate | Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University After thinking about multiple ideas for the New Canterbury Project, I knew I wanted something that allowed me to[…]