New Canterbury Tales

Immersive Storytelling as a Design Method for joint future creation

The Museum as a travel agency, visit New Canterbury between September 13th and October 27th

New Canterbury Tales is back! From 13 September to 27 October, our project space Next will be transformed into a travel agency, and we'll set the time machine to 2071. Is[…]

Stedelijk Museum of Breda | Verhalen Uit De Toekomst | September 22 – October 22

From September 23rd to October 22nd, you can visit the Stedelijk Museum of Breda for the research project "The New Canterbury Tales: a journey to 2070." Join us in designing an[…]

AVANS Onderwijsdag | Prototyping 2040 Prototyping 2070 | April 13

In this workshop, we use immersive storytelling methods to make a jump to the mundane life in 2070. What trends/seeds can we see now? Can we plot them on the four[…]

KOP | Workshops with Artists | April 5-6

How do you envision the world in 2070 as an artist/designer? How do you transform stories of the future, based on interviews with experts, into interactive experiences? And most importantly, how[…]

COIL 2023 | Sustainable Social Housing | March 27 – 31

The COIL is an annual collaboration between architecture students. This year with students from: Nina Kramer and 5 Communication & Multimedia students have participated in the online session and will be[…]