New Canterbury Tales

Immersive Storytelling as a Design Method for joint future creation


KOP | Workshops with Artists | April 5-6

KOP | Workshops with Artists | April 5-6

Nina KramerMar 24, 20231 min read

How do you envision the world in 2070 as an artist/designer? How do you transform stories of the future, based on interviews with experts, into interactive experiences? And most importantly, how do you start a dialogue with the inhabitants of…

COIL 2023 | Sustainable Social Housing | March 27 – 31

COIL 2023 | Sustainable Social Housing | March 27 – 31

Nina KramerMar 24, 20231 min read

The COIL is an annual collaboration between architecture students. This year with students from: Nina Kramer and 5 Communication & Multimedia students have participated in the online session and will be visiting Aarhus from March 27th to 31st. Their focus…


3D Posters

Daniela SilvaMar 5, 20234 min read

My idea of a digital poster came to my head after reading the stories of the characters in the New Canterbury Tales. While reading the stories I noticed how some buildings stand out and had an important meaning for the…


Explorations in 3D

Daniela SilvaMar 5, 20233 min read

I decided that I wanted to see how we could view the world, and how the users interacting with the content could experience what we made. To this end, I endeavored to look into how to take what we made…


New Explorer ARG

Daniela SilvaMar 4, 20234 min read

After thinking about multiple ideas for the New Canterbury Project, I knew I wanted something that allowed me to explore various ideas in the same medium. That’s when the idea of making an ARG came to mind. ARG or Alternate…