About Us
We are a consortium with a common interest: Working on a better future for all beings as well as the planet, facing the challenges that await us in the upcoming decades. We strongly believe that developing a joint vision about the way we would like to live, will help the future to shape itself by looking back from these visions and planting seeds in the present time.
Can we make the general public, the ‘users’ of the future, experience daily life with the support of specific tools using immersive storytelling, such as serious gaming and situated design? By taking initial proposals by designers/artists, as well as collecting ideas and discussions from the public, we aim to create a shared future vision.
How can we include those 'inhabitants of the future' into a dialogue (user research) and thus in the design of a new jointly desired future?

This project was initiated by Nina Kramer
Researcher at avans hogeschool | Built Environment
“From my background as an industrial designer, visual artist and storyteller, I am
particularly interested in the personal experiences of the future inhabitants of the
world, and how these imaginary inhabitants can contribute to solutions for issues
we are now facing.”
Contact Us
If you have any questions you can contact Nina Kramer at [email protected], or call us at ++31651433465.