New Canterbury Tales

Immersive Storytelling as a Design Method for joint future creation


Worldbuilding is one of the main building blocks of storytelling, next to character and plot, originating from the game industry. In writing courses, it is often referred to as time and setting. For the worldbuilding of New Canterbury, we started with an online tool called WorldAnvil by answering a lot of questions, helping shape the world. We transferred this information from that tool to our website. An those of you who are wondering, why a small village in Scotland to begin with? To be honest, we wanted a village rather than a city to start with, so there would be room for development. We also figured with climate change people might be moving up north and in the end we just pinpointed a place on Google Maps. And although Golspie is real, New Canterbury is in its core a metaphorical city, build to explore ideas and visions.